Footnotes to The Bizzle's "The only way is ethics"
In a wittily titled recent post " The only way is ethics? ", The Bizzle raised a whole series of issues about what companies say about ethical behaviour. I agree with his post and the conclusion " either walk your talk, or stop going on about it " is unarguable. But it seems to me there are several differen t strands wound together under this topic of "corporate ethics". I'd like to try to separate those strands. The debate in the room at the Corporate Counsel Forum focused on the "compliance" side of ethical behaviour and on creating a culture in a company to meet the challenge of legislation like the UK's new Bribery Act. That was the subject of my own post " Ethics and the General Counsel ". As he said in his post, The Bizzle didn't set out to discuss this topic (but he has promised to at a later date). We might call the next strand "ethics as a fig-leaf for the profit motive". Companies often talk about ...